Police Chief Urges State To Create Left-Turn-Only Sequence in Traffic Light at Cherry and Main Streets

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Cherry and Main Streets in New Canaan. Streetview

Municipal officials say they’ve asked the state to look into putting a “left-turn only” sequence for the traffic light at Main and Cherry Streets downtown.

It’s common when eastbound motorists on Cherry seek to turn left onto Main “that maybe one car will get through that intersection before the light turns red,” according to Police Chief Leon Krolikowski.

“And I’ve experienced that many, many times,” Krolikowski said at the Jan. 15 Police Commission meeting, held at department headquarters. “So nine months ago, I contacted the state and asked them to take a look at that intersection and see if they can put in a ‘left-turn only’ light there. And they are in the process of doing traffic counts and if they think it’s warranted, they’ll put a light there at the state’s expense. And that should improve the flow of that intersection dramatically, so I’m hoping they do that.”

Authorities two years ago identified Cherry and Main as one of six high-incidence accident locations in New Canaan. State routes 124 and 106 run through the intersection, so Connecticut Department of Transportation approval is required to make a change to the traffic signal. The intersection may soon see increased pedestrian use, as the library has proposed a “town green” for its southwest corner as part of the organization’s rebuilding plans.

As it is, “traffic doesn’t flow well, especially if you are going in that direction,” Krolikowski said, referring to eastbound traffic on Cherry.

“So I’m hoping they [DOT officials] do that, but they’re not quick on anything, so we just have to be patient,” he said.

11 thoughts on “Police Chief Urges State To Create Left-Turn-Only Sequence in Traffic Light at Cherry and Main Streets

  1. Great idea, but it is also an issue westbound as well at that intersection, for anyone trying to make a left towards the library.

    • I agree that this is also a problem westbound as well as eastbound Sometimes NO cars can make the turn! Hope it happens.

  2. Great idea! While they’re at it, they should change the timer on this light, which is, needlessly, the longest and most frustrating in New Canaan.

  3. Turning left from either direction at that intersection is difficult. I hope the request includes a left turn only light feature for westbound traffic as well.

  4. Great. Will make it even more difficult to move thru this intersection while on Main Street. Wait times now at red light are disproportionate. Thanks, Chief.

  5. Making the situation worse is that the light has been not functioning correctly for a couple of weeks, turning red for both directions every cycle while showing the walk signal even though no one has pressed the button. Does New Canaan have the equivalent of 311 to call in problems like that?

    • Michael, are you sure? People frequently press the walk button and then cross before the walk signal comes on. Given length of this light, they can get pretty far away before it comes on.

  6. Yes, observed it yesterday. Was there for the full cycle and no one pressed the button, but walk signal still came on.

  7. Michael –
    The Town does have a “Report a Problem” link on the Home Page of the Town’s Website. Residents are encouraged to click on the link and report issues ranging from potholes to dead animals to speeding concerns. Any Emergencies should be handled thru 911. Residents can also simply call the Department of Public Works at (203) 594-3054 or feel free to email me at Tiger.Mann@newcanaanct.gov.

    Thank you,

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