Recently, New Canaan, as well as other neighboring jurisdictions, have seen increases in reported burglaries, and larcenies from motor vehicles.

New Canaan Police Chief Leon Krolikowski
One forced-entry daytime burglary occurred on Sept. 24 and two forced-entry daytime burglaries occurred on Oct. 8,. Alarm systems were not set when these burglaries occurred.
Thefts from Vehicles
In addition, so far this year our department has investigated dozens of thefts from motor vehicles. Many of these thefts involved vehicles that were unlocked with valuables left in plain sight.
Crime Prevention Tips
Criminals love it when you make their job easier for them. Here are some tips that will help you beat the criminals:
- Activate your home and car alarm systems: Always activate your alarm system, even when you are at home, and whenever you leave your house or car—even for a short time. Many successful crimes that occur in our Town involve houses or cars that have alarm systems that were not activated.
- Light up your home: At night, keep the perimeter of your home well lit. Low energy lighting switched on and off by photoelectric sensors (low light switches) is a cost-effective way to discourage burglars and other criminals.
- Lock up your car and home: Lock all doors and windows when you leave, day or night, even for a short time. Criminals are opportunists and leaving a door or window open makes it easy for them.
- Neighborhood watch: Work with your neighbors to improve security and reduce the risk of a burglary. Be the eyes and ears of the neighborhood-the most important thing you can do is call our Department via 911 to report a crime or anything suspicious.
- Never leave valuables in your car: Do not leave valuables, a purse or wallet in your car when it is unattended.
- Please follow our advice to help keep your home and valuables safe.
Be better informed, connected, and send anonymous tips to our Department by downloading the “MYPD” application in the iPhone or Android marketplace. After downloading the application search for “New Canaan” get connected and then go to “submit tip.”
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