Op-Ed: New Canaan Police Chief Reflects on Veterans Day

Every day the men and women of the New Canaan Police Department protect and serve our town with great distinction. 

On November 11, Veterans Day, we honor those who pledged to protect and serve our great country-our veterans. Veterans Day honors the service and sacrifice of those who have served in the U.S. military. 

I want to recognize the following Department members who have served in our military and continue to serve our Town:

Commissioner Sperry DeCew-U.S. Army
Lieutenant Bill Ferri-U.S. Army
Lieutenant Jim George-U.S. Army
Sergeant Aaron LaTourette-U.S. Marine Corps
Officer Geoff Lambert- U.S. Marine Corps
Officer Roy Adams-Connecticut Army National Guard
Officer Bryan Connolly-U.S. Coast Guard
Officer Rex Sprosta-U.S. Marine Corps
Officer Matt Marzano-U.S. Marine Corps
Officer Chris Dewey-U.S. Army and New York Army National Guard
Officer David Rivera-U.S. Air Force
Officer Matthew Blank- Connecticut Army Air National Guard
Officer Own Ochs- U.S. Army

Often our officers are not adequately recognized for the great work they do every day. Of the approximately 17,000 calls for service that our officers handle each year, some of these incidents are violent and put our officers in harm’s way. Our officers consistently handle these incidents with great skill, bravery, and dedication. When you see our officers, thank them for what they do, the risks that they take, and how they so professionally “protect and serve” our town.

Police Chief: ‘Domestic Violence Is New Canaan’s Violent Crime’

Although our town has little crime, crimes such as domestic violence have remained constant over many years. Domestic violence is New Canaan’s violent crime. If you live in New Canaan, and you are the victim of violence, it is highly probable that the perpetrator is someone that you love. 

Domestic violence is both a national and an intimately local problem that knows no boundaries. Most cases of domestic violence are never reported to the police. According to former Attorney General Janet Reno: “Too many American women live in fear of the very people upon whom they depend for love and affection. Instead of providing refuge, the walls of many homes serve as prison bars.” 

Thus far in 2019, our Department investigated 37 family disputes, and many of these investigations resulted in arrests.

New Canaan Police Chief: Keeping Our College Students Safe

Very soon, if not already, hundreds of New Canaan students will move to a nearby city or across the country to pursue their studies. Becoming independent almost overnight comes with specific risks and responsibilities. Street crime is on the increase in most large United States cities. It is also growing on campuses and in small communities. No college is immune to crime.

Op-Ed: This Memorial Day, Wear a Poppy To Honor Deceased War Veterans

The weekend before Memorial Day finds many war veterans distributing poppies in order to honor the ultimate sacrifice of our nation’s veterans. In New Canaan, members of our local Veterans of Foreign War Post 653 will distribute poppies in front of ACME Market, Walter Stewart’s Market and Dunkin’ Donuts. The significance of the poppy in honoring our nation’s war dead is traced to World War I.

From the battlefields of World War I, weary soldiers brought home the memory of a barren landscape transformed by wild poppies, red as the blood that had soaked the soil. By that miracle poppy became a symbol of the sacrifice of lives in war and represented the hope that none had died in vain. The poppy has continued to bloom for the casualties wars, its petals of paper bound together for veterans by veterans, reminding America each year that the men and women who have served and died for their country deserve to be remembered. 

Although poppies have a long history of being used to honor the dead in both Greek and Roman mythology, the poppy, as a memorial flower to the war dead, can be traced to a single individual, Moina Michael.

Police Chief: On Veterans Day, Honoring Members of NCPD Who Have Served

Dear Editor:

Every day, the men and women of the New Canaan Police Department protect and serve our town with great distinction. 

On Nov. 11, Veterans Day, we honor those who pledged to protect and serve our great country-our Veterans. Veterans Day honors the service and sacrifice of those who have served in the U.S. Military. 

I want to recognize the following Department members who have served in our military and continue to serve our town:

Commissioner Sperry DeCew-U.S. Army
Lieutenant Bill Ferri-U.S. Army
Lieutenant Jim George-U.S. Army
Sergeant Aaron LaTourette-U.S. Marine Corps
Officer Geoff Lambert- U.S. Marine Corps
Officer Roy Adams-Connecticut Army National Guard
Officer Bryan Connolly-U.S. Coast Guard
Officer Rex Sprosta-U.S. Marine Corps
Officer Matt Marzano-U.S. Marine Corps
Officer Chris Dewey-U.S. Army and New York Army National Guard
Officer David Rivera-U.S. Air Force
Officer Matthew Blank- Connecticut Army Air National Guard
Officer Owen Ochs- U.S. Army

Often our officers are not adequately recognized for the great work they do every day. Of the approximately 17,000 calls for service that our officers handle each year, some of these incidents are violent and put our officers in harm’s way. Our officers consistently handle these incidents with great skill, bravery, and dedication.