Police Arrest Motorist Who Tests Three Times Legal Alcohol Limit After Accident

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Police arrested a 44-year-old Norwalk man Saturday evening after he tested at three times the legal blood-alcohol limit following a single vehicle accident in New Canaan.

At about 6:36 p.m. on Dec. 12, officers were dispatched to Marvin Ridge and Nursery Roads on a report of an accident. There, they found a car that had hit a guardrail and was up on top of it, according to a police report.

Police spoke to the driver who told them he wasn’t injured, and during their conversation the officers said they detected alcohol on his breath, the report said.

He failed field sobriety tests and police charged him with driving under the influence, the report said.

The man also submitted to a breath test, and that returned readings of .24 and .25—the legal limit is .08, the report said.

He additionally was charged with second-degree violating the conditions of release from a prior DUI arrest on Dec. 6 in Norwalk, the report said.

The man was held on $500 bond and scheduled to appear Dec. 22 in state Superior Court in Norwalk.

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