Podcast: Opposition to Waveny’s Proposed Senior Living Facility on Oenoke Ridge

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This new model of the proposed Oenoke Ridge senior independent living facility is on the lower level of Town Hall, outside Land Use. Credit: Michael Dinan

This week on 0684-Radi0, our free weekly podcast (subscribe here in the iTunes Store), we talk to Bill Frank and Joby Gray of the Oenoke Ridge Neighborhood Association about the group’s opposition to Waveny LifeCare Network‘s proposed senior independent living facility on Oenoke Ridge.

Here are recent episodes of 0684-Radi0:

One thought on “Podcast: Opposition to Waveny’s Proposed Senior Living Facility on Oenoke Ridge

  1. Good for Joby Gray and good for Bill Frank for coming forward with their clear and concise views opposing the building of an independent living facility on Oenoke Ridge. The next P and Z meeting should be focused on addressing the concerns of the multiple individuals, complexes and organizations rather than an ad nauseum recitation of cosmetic changes of the proposed site. A thorough examination of other potential sites should be explored and explained to the public before any decision is made to build this much needed facility.

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