Pine Street Renaissance Expands Downtown New Canaan Footprint

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With a growing array of commercial storefronts expanding New Canaan’s downtown footprint, the Pine Street of 2015 is a far cry that of years’ past.

CT Sandwich Co. Credit: Terry Dinan

CT Sandwich Co. Credit: Terry Dinan

Once known primarily for the location of the Post Office and a Grand Union supermarket, Pine Street has undergone a rebirth in recent years, evolving into a destination for established and new businesses alike.

“I love our location, I don’t think it could be better,” Eugene Chun, owner of CT Sandwich Co., told “We’re close enough to Elm Street and all the action but we’re not caught in congestion—it makes things a lot easier.”

South End. Credit: Terry Dinan

South End. Credit: Terry Dinan

Retail businesses are not the only ones attracted to Pine Street.

For BJ Flagg, principal at Nurenu Brand Marketing, a need for additional space was one of the reasons in her move from an office on Elm to one on Pine last month. Another factor was the atmosphere of the area, due in large part to the recent boom in business.

“We also just loved the vibe that was starting to happen in that area,” Flagg said. “It was pretty sleepy before, and was kind of a continuous form of the town. But now—South End is very sturdy there and it’s doing great, you’ve got the anchor at the end with Zumbach’s—the whole area has got just a great vibe to it now.”

“I love it,” said Tucker Murphy, executive director of New Canaan’s Chamber of Commerce. “Anything that we can do to expand the outskirts of town, the key piece to that is that we try to put businesses in there that complement what we already have.”

The new Pine Street Concessions marketplace is taking shape next to Pine Street fixtures, Zumbach's and Tony's. Credit: Terry Dinan

The new Pine Street Concessions marketplace is taking shape. Credit: Terry Dinan

One such business now taking shape is the Pine Street Concessions marketplace, the frame of which is rising in place at the former location of New Canaan Cleaners.

According to Peter Lane of NCLC, owner of the property, the growth of new businesses in town goes hand-in-hand with the growth of the New Canaan business district’s footprint outside of the “Magic Circle” of Elm, Main and Forest Streets.

“Seeing the expansion is not surprising with the need for the different services that are popping up,” Lane said. “I love that the marketplace is working organically. The buildings are popping up to serve the market, whether it’s Oxygen Fitness or CT Sandwich and South End. It’s working.”

Another draw to Pine Street, according to Murphy, is its relative affordability.

Oxygen Fitness. Credit: Terry Dinan

Oxygen Fitness. Credit: Terry Dinan

“The rents are very, very high on Elm, Main and Forest,” Murphy said. “To be able to have some other opportunities for people to open up businesses that aren’t in the highest rent district, but also to alleviate some of the parking pressures in town—I’m thrilled and I love when I see that the Planning and Zoning Commission is working toward doing the same type of proposals over on Cross and Vitti Streets. I think it’s a win-win for everyone.”

4 thoughts on “Pine Street Renaissance Expands Downtown New Canaan Footprint

  1. Any mention of Pine Street that doesn’t start with the last letter of the alphabet is seriously lacking. For over twenty years Zumbach’s has been providing some of best freshly roasted coffee you can get. Doug has effectively brought town to a new size. His Caffien and Carburetors events have brought Pine Street, along with all New Canaan into a new spotlight. Mornings at Z’s have become a social event for many locals; a mix of bankers, insurance people, shop keepers, artists, and service people. Zumbach’s at the far end of Pine has had a dramatic effect on stretching the downtown area and opening up a new business center. The alphabet may end with “Z” but the new Pine Street begins with it.

  2. The first supermarket in New Canaan was a First National, located on Main St. , where Peoples’s United Bank and Garelick & Herbs are now located……. in Main & Elm, the ‘magic circle’ retail zone in the center of town. The second supermarket was the Grand Union next to the old post office. Good competition/selection/prices… to have two supermarkets in the central business district!! Both with good parking!

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