Building on the success of last December’s “ugly sweater” contest, Town Hall workers this holiday season launched a new competition that saw municipal departments vie for the title of “Best Snowman.”
With limitations on height and prohibitions on working on the snowmen on town time or putting more than $20 into them, agencies from the Police Department and Parking Bureau to the Town Clerk’s Office and combined Health-Building-P&Z-Inland Wetlands juggernaut put their entries on display Monday.
They’ll remain prominently displayed for the rest of the week in the Town Hall lobby, according to Cheryl Pickering-Jones, New Canaan’s human resources director.
“I think it went great,” she said of the contest.
First Selectman Kevin Moynihan called the snowmen “fantastic,” saying he was “so impressed by the creativity and imagination of our town employees.”
“It’s going to be a very close call for Tucker Murphy to pick a winner,” Moynihan said.
He referred to the executive director of the New Canaan Chamber of Commerce.
Asked prior to judging about her task, Murphy said: “I will go in there and look at them all collectively and base my decision on the best.”
Ultimately, the Parking Bureau’s entry—“Pablo Snow-Casso,” the parts of his face discombobulated as his famous artist and namesake would have it, clutching an old book of parking tickets and trailing a license plate out back—won first place.
The Parking Bureau’s team includes New Canaan High School alumnus Lisa (Difulvio) Pia, an artist. Pia called the snowman “100 percent a team effort.”
Second-place winners included “Chilly Willie” from the Human Resources Department for most authentic snowman, and the P&Z-Inland Wetlands entry for “most representative of a department,” as the snowman featured a base of paper shreddings and a small pond.
Jan Donohue, assistant town clerk and assistant registrar of vital statistics, called the Town Clerk’s strong entry a group effort.
The idea for a snowman that included a dog came to her because “we are the Town Clerk’s office and we always had that cute little doggie that sits on the counter for people who come in to license their dogs,” she said.