Members of a nonprofit organization dedicated to beautifying New Canaan gathered Monday morning at Mead Park to thank their volunteers and town employees during an annual breakfast.
About 25 representatives from the New Canaan Beautification League met at the colonnade with Department of Public Works employees to celebrate their longstanding collaboration to maintain plantings around town.
The league’s co-president, Faith Kerchoff, said the organization’s services include creating 207 hanging baskets for the downtown, plantings at 33 traffic triangles in New Canaan and seasonal holiday wreaths, as well as overseeing a public garden off of Chichester Road. The league last week won town approval to demolish a single-family residence at the Lee Memorial Garden and replace it with a potting shed.
“We have about 150 members with a core of 30 or 40 that are really ‘in the dirt,’ ” Kerchoff said on a bright, cool morning from the grassy area inside the colonnade, where a table had been laid with coffee cake, muffins and coffee.
Volunteers work with the town to maintain and care for the potted plants and flowers, she said.
“If there is something we can’t handle, they can handle it,” Kerchoff said. “We all work together to make the town beautiful. We make New Canaan beautiful, that is the theme of this breakfast.”
Those honored specifically by the league and presented with T-shirts included DPW worker Walt Jaykus and Mose Saccary, head of the highway division and creator of a wildflower meadow that bloomed for the first time two summers ago at Route 123 and Parade Hill Road.