Update 12 p.m. Wednesday
The owner of this peacock saw the story and the bird is now back in a pen at its Ponus Ridge home, according to Officer Allyson Halm of the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section. The resident has four peacocks in all, she said.
Original story
Police are urging the owner of a peacock spotted Monday afternoon wandering around a residential neighborhood in New Canaan to contact Animal Control officials about the exotic bird.

Loose peacock photographed in New Canaan on Dec. 10, 2018. Photo courtesy of the New Canaan Police Department
The peacock was seen on Wahackme Road between Ponus Ridge and Myanos Road, according to Police Chief Leon Krolikowski.
The animal eluded capture, he said.
The national bird of India, peacocks are ground-feeders that may roost in trees. It’s not indigenous to the United States and the bird seen in New Canaan most likely is someone’s pet, officials said.
Anyone with information on the peacock is asked to contact the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section at 203-594-3510.