Op-Ed: Where Are We Headed?

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We awoke Monday to the senseless slaughter of our fellow Americans in Las Vegas—once again our nation mourns.

My first text of the morning was from my 18-year-old daughter, a freshman in College 537 miles from home. She texted: “I heard about Las Vegas omg” and “Why would someone do this?”

I answered: “I have no answer to that.”

However, the truth is I did not want to overburden my daughter. There is an answer.

When I was growing up we did not have hatred toward our own country, trample our flag, kneel for our anthem, hatred toward political leaders we disagreed with. There were demonstrations, like the SDS taking over the admin building at my college for a few days, but no violence, no 24-hour media and Internet coverage idolizing those committing the violence.

Back then if boys wanted to be boys and a dispute evolved into fisticuffs and the other person “gave,” you respected that. Shook hands, buried the hatchet and moved on. Yes even those who disagreed had respect for one another, not hatred. No knives, no guns, no fires, no flag burning, no toppling of statues, no killing of innocent first responders.

What will my daughter face in her future? A country where disrespecting our president, nation and flag is urged by media, Hollywood and spoiled sports athletes. Where our history is rewritten because the minority disagrees with facts. Where 20 percent of college students, without life experience, believe violence is just when you disagree. Where human life is not respected. Where religious tolerance is waning. Where trashing your political opponent’s family is acceptable. Yes, even in our local elections, falsities against a candidate’s family is acceptable.

I have tears for my father who gave four years of his life living in a foxhole in Europe, tears for his baby brother who perished fighting for our freedom and all those American heroes who served and especially those who gave it all. Were their sacrifices all in vain in an effort to preserve the freedoms that the new vogue “greater-than-thou” now trample upon? The truth is America better return to its Judeo-Christian ethics or the future of our children is doomed.

That is my answer to my daughter.

God bless those who perished, who were wounded and their families on this solemn day. Pray for America. If my daughter could only know those innocent cherished days of my youth in Brooklyn instead of bearing the burden of our troubled times.

Roy A Abramowitz

6 thoughts on “Op-Ed: Where Are We Headed?

  1. Excellent commentary Mr Abramowitz. I am a Vietnam veteran and fear that we have failed to learn the lessons of that very turbulent and decisive time.

    • Let’s try to stay on topic instead of trying to hijack the thread to your political objective. This is exactly the tactic the writer seems to be decrying.

  2. Mr Abramowitz, I applaud your willingness to share these sentiments and honestly. The polarization, click-bate drama, and short attention spans don’t allow for measured discourse toward “a more perfect union”
    I largely agree that the “Norms” that dominated 60 years ago are no longer. (some perhaps in the areas of homophobia, racism, sexism, anti-semitism) but other certainly for the worse in the areas of civility and discourse. We cannot overlook the fact that many of those statues were installed during the Jim Crow era by individuals against civil rights advancements.
    Presidents have been the butt of jokes for decades. I would respectfully disagree with your comment negative characterizing Athlete’s peaceful protests against the continued systemic racism of our law enforcement being disrespectful to servicemen.
    But to your point, I understand you may have a different point of view on those points.
    My 2 cents is to start locally and encourage a positive conversation giving people the benefit of the doubt and recognizing that heathly debate is just that, healthy, and to stop personal attacks on erroneous data while raising personnel conflicts that may be relevant.
    We can make a difference.

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