Op-Ed: Police Chief Reflects on Veterans Day

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Dear Editor:

Every day the men and women of the New Canaan Police Department protect and serve our town with great distinction.

New Canaan Police Chief Leon Krolikowski

On Nov. 11, Veterans Day, we honor those who pledged to protect and serve our great country—our Veterans. Veterans Day honors the service and sacrifice of those who have served in the U.S. Military.

I want to recognize the following Department members who have served in our military and continue to serve our town:

  • Commissioner Sperry DeCew-U.S. Army
  • Bill Ferri-U.S. Army
  • Jim George-U.S. Army
  • Aaron LaTourette-U.S. Marine Corps
  • Officer Geoff Lambert- U.S. Marine Corps
  • Officer Roy Adams-Connecticut Army National Guard
  • Officer Bryan Connolly-U.S. Coast Guard
  • Officer Rex Sprosta-U.S. Marine Corps
  • Officer Matt Marzano-U.S. Marine Corps
  • Officer Chris Dewey-U.S. Army and New York Army National Guard
  • Officer Stephan Tam-U.S. Army National Guard
  • Officer David Rivera-U.S. Air Force
  • Officer Matthew Blank- Connecticut Army National Guard
  • Officer Own Ochs- U.S. Army

Often our officers are not adequately recognized for the great work they do every day. Of the approximately 17,000 calls for service that our officers handle each year, some of these incidents are violent and put our officers in harm’s way. Our officers consistently handle these incidents with great skill, bravery, and dedication.

When you see our officers, thank them for what they do, the risks that they take, and the way in which they so professionally “protect and serve” our Town.

When you see our officers who are Veterans, thank them for their service to our country and to our town.

To all New Canaan Veterans: thank you for your bravery, service, sacrifice, selflessness, and love of country. We can never repay the debt we owe to you, and we will never forget.


Leon Krolikowski, Chief of Police

[Editor’s Note: Though he does not make note of it in this submission, the police chief is himself a veteran of the U.S. Marines.]

One thought on “Op-Ed: Police Chief Reflects on Veterans Day

  1. You fellows don’t need to be a Vet. your appreciated anyway.
    My Godfather served during WWII on a LST. He was only twenty two when his ship was torpedoed and sank in Normandy. He was found the next day deceased. The only memory I have of him are the photos my mom had before he joined the USN. I finally wrote to the Dept of Naval Records searching for what really happened on that day. They sent me pages of info including a letter to his mom, my Aunt, as too how it happened. I needed closure and got it…

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