New Canaan Biz on Biz: Pennyweights on The Candy Scoop

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[Editor’s Note: In this feature, we’re asking people who own a New Canaan business or work in town about personal favorites from other businesses here—products, services, decor, music, anything.]

By Michael Dinan

Though Kelly Sigg has owned Elm Street mainstay Pennyweights with husband Geoff for 14 years, it wasn’t until three months ago that a business arrived in town to capture both her heart and sweet tooth.

“I love the salted caramel at The Candy Scoop,” Sigg told when asked about her local favorites for “Biz on Biz.”

“The mixture of the salt with the sweetness, it’s delicious,” she said.

Sigg isn’t alone in that opinion.

Megan Palladino, a 2009 New Canaan High School graduate and town resident who owns The Candy Scoop with big sister Lauren, said the shop’s “Lake Champlain Sea Salt Caramels” became so popular so quickly that they sold out.

The wide selection of Valentine’s Day treats available at the Palladinos’ shop include boxed chocolates and heart-shaped chocolate lollipops across “a wide range of prices,” Megan said.

The Candy Scoop, which hosts special events such as birthday parties as well as operating its retail shop, is located down the alley toward the top of Elm Street:

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