NCFD Crews Extinguish Fire in Oenoke Ridge Road Home 

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Firefighters on Tuesday evening extinguished a small fire caused by a recessed light fixture pushed into the ceiling of an Oenoke Ridge Road home undergoing renovations, officials said.

712 Oenoke Ridge Road in New Canaan. Streetview photo

No one was injured in the fire at 712 Oenoke Ridge Road, where the New Canaan Fire Department was dispatched at about 6:28 p.m., according to Fire Marshal Fred Baker.

Workers at the home, currently unoccupied, said they “had a smoke condition” there, Baker said in a press release.

“Crews were able to pinpoint a small fire in the ceiling above the dining room that was quickly extinguished with portable water extinguishers,” he said.

The light fixture had been pushed up into the ceiling to allow for painting and “became energized,” Baker said.

According to Building Department records, the town has issued a number of permits for work on the property and 1998-built home there, purchased in April 2017 for $5.5 million.

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