Livery Driver Argues with Owner, Pushes Her, Gets Punched in Face by Her Son

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An argument over money between the owners of a Cross Street livery service and a driver who works there turned physical last week, leading eventually to the owners’ son punching the driver in the face.

At about 1:25 p.m. on Feb. 5, the driver—a 37-year-old Norwalk man—began arguing with a woman who owns the limo business with her husband, 57, according to a police report. Police declined to give specifics about the argument, saying only that it involved money and a policy whereby the driver was meant to sign something.

The argument became heated, and the woman’s co-owner husband (both are New Canaan residents) emerged from a separate room and heard the Norwalk man yelling at his wife.

Then the couple’s son, 30, also of New Canaan, came into the room and after he saw the Norwalk man push his mom—information that an eye witness corroborated, police say—he punched the driver in the face.

Witnesses say the driver had become belligerent with the woman and made threatening comments to her while they argued, according to a police report.

The driver was charged with third-degree assault, second-degree threatening and disorderly conduct. He was released on $5,000 bond and scheduled to appear Feb. 18 in state Superior Court in Norwalk.

The son was charged with third-degree assault and disorderly conduct released after promising to appear Feb. 17.

The husband was charged with disorderly conduct and released after promising to appear Feb. 17.

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