Letter: Vote Mallozzi-Williams Team at July 18 Republican Caucus

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My wife and I moved to New Canaan 30 years ago. We raised our two boys, made many friends and rolled up our sleeves to volunteer in community activities.

Personally, I have been on the Republican Town Committee (five years as chairman), Town Council (10 years), Fire Commission and currently Police Commission. I have a pretty good idea of how this town runs, what has worked and what has not. I have assisted a number of first selectmen and selectmen over the years and while we didn’t always agree on every course of action, we debated, respected each other, took a vote and moved forward.

This leads me to the topic at hand, the Republican Caucus. With the town elections coming this November, a number of Republicans have entered the race to challenge the current first selectman and selectman.

I don’t understand their reasons for running or their motivations.

The current first selectman and selectman team of Rob Mallozzi and Nick Williams have been the most transparent, most communicative, and most responsive to our citizen’s needs in all my years of service. They have maintained a reasoned balance between all the wants and desires of all the various groups in town and the resources available to meet those needs. Mallozzi and Williams have guided us through labor negotiations, school additions, hurricanes and snowstorms. Roads have been paved, streets plowed, and our education system well funded. Our emergency services are second to none. New Canaan was recently ranked the number one town in Connecticut to raise a family.

All of this was made possible by Mallozzi and Williams working together. Why would we want to change a winning team?

Please come to the caucus at the high school on July 18th and vote for Rob Mallozzi and Nick Williams. If they lose due to voter apathy and carelessness, we all lose as a town.

Paul Foley, resident since 1987

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