Letter: Town Treasurer Andrew Brooks’ Quiet Excellence

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I often wonder: What happened to all the elected officials who, with quiet competence, show up for work and just get the job done?

Well, New Canaan is fortunate to have such a person in the form our town’s treasurer, Andrew Brooks. His consistent success as our treasurer is demonstrated through his management of the town’s investments and bank relationships, which have generated over a million and a half dollars of tax savings.

In addition, Andrew Brooks has streamlined the town’s bank relationships, and helped with risk identification and remediation. A highly trained and experienced consultant to major corporations in finance and risk management, Andrew Brooks has exactly the resume New Canaan needs in a treasurer.

Remember, the job of the treasurer is to ensure payments are properly authorized and our taxes are optimally managed. In these tasks, he has performed admirably. I note, too, that in a recent meeting New Canaan’s audit committee was highly complimentary of Andrew Brooks’ performance, going above and beyond the call of duty. What could be better than that?

We were smart four years ago to elect Andrew Brooks as our treasurer. Let’s stay smart and re-elect him on November 7.

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