Letter: ‘Thank You’ To New Canaan Voters

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To the editor:

Yesterday’s voter turnout showed energized involvement in the issues facing our town. I thank the voters who took time from their busy lives and braved the elements to participate and express their preferences. The election results bring new and renewed energy to the town government and Board of Education.

I am pleased and honored to continue representing you on the Town Council where I will continue to be an ardent defender of responsible school and town budgets and everything which keeps our town healthy, strong, and vibrant. There are a lot of issues which need immediate attention and considerable strategic thought in planning for our future. I look forward to working with the new administration and particularly with each of you, the voters. Please share your experiences and thoughts as they are valuable components of my decisions on the Council. The more you participate, the more we can accomplish together.

With appreciation and respectfully,

Penny Young

Town Council

One thought on “Letter: ‘Thank You’ To New Canaan Voters

  1. So very happy Penny that you will remain on the board. You have always worked hard and with great diligence for our town. Thank You. We are very Fortunate.

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