Letter: ‘Thank You’ from Rotary Following Successful Lobsterfest

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The Rotary Club wishes to thank all those who participated in this year’s Lobsterfest, especially the New Canaan Historical Society for allowing us to hold it on their grounds, and all our many sponsors and ticket holders who came to help make it a lively, colorful and successful event. In addition to supporting many very worthy local organizations with our proceeds, we wish you to know that your continual support of us has reached deserving people well beyond our immediate area.

In 1987, when there were 350,000 known cases of polio, Rotary International set out on a mission to help eradicate polio worldwide. Since then Rotarians, through their clubs across the globe, have all been contributing to this effort, so that four years ago there were only 359 recorded new cases anywhere, and last year only 21.

This year, we understand that there have been no new recorded cases. Therefore we remain hopeful that this will become that first, long sought year after which there will be no more cases at all. With your help, our club and Rotary International will remain diligent in providing on-going support for immunizing 450 million children each year against polio.

Keith Simpson, President, Rotary Club of New Canaan

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