Letter: Selectman-Elect Kit Devereaux Congratulates Kevin Moynihan, Thanks Campaign Workers

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The race is over.

I would like to congratulate and extend my best wishes to our new first selectman, Kevin Moynihan. I also want to express my sincere thanks to our outgoing First Selectman Rob Mallozzi and Selectman Beth Jones for their dedicated service to our town.

I look forward to working hard from my seat on the Board of Selectmen to serve the people of New Canaan. I am looking forward to the next two years.

This election was historic with respect to the involvement of many more voters than in municipal elections of the past. The elevated turnout shows that the town’s voters care about the future of New Canaan. Going forward, as the financial outlook for our town promises to be challenging, let’s all do everything we can to preserve the things that are special about New Canaan.

I offer my thanks to the many wonderful people who worked so hard on our campaign. It is a real honor to have worked beside you and to have enjoyed the privilege of your support.

While the election is over, please understand how important it is for you to remain involved. Please make your opinions known. Please help to shape the future of our town. After all, this is a democracy. I meant it when I said “We are all in this together.”

Again, my sincere thanks.

Kit Devereaux

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