Letter: Republican Town Council Candidates Are ‘Excellent’

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Editor, New Canaanite:

We are fortunate to have four excellent Republican candidates for Town Council. Penny Young has been a major contributor to the town for many years. She brings institutional memory with a deep understanding of our town government. Penny has always been a strong proponent of fiscal responsibility in government.

Tom Butterworth’s background as an attorney enables him to think carefully through issues. Tom is an engaging, intelligent person with a terrific sense of humor who works effectively with others. Tom will provide a fresh outlook to address the needs and problems of our community.

Rich Townsend’s financial acumen and background as the CFO of a major corporation provide a skill set that is vitally important to New Canaan. Rich’s contributions to our community are broad based. His long-term residence in New Canaan and experience as a commuter have made him acutely aware of the issues we face. Rich is a leader who knows how to get things done, and most importantly how to work with others to achieve his goals.

John Engel has served the town well on the Town Council. His intimate knowledge of the community with his finger on its pulse as a real estate broker give us very valuable insights as to the needs and priorities of our citizens. John is an independent thinker, most willing to share his views and the reasoning behind them. He is not one to simply follow the herd.

These four outstanding candidates deserve your support on November 7.

Dave Hunt

4 thoughts on “Letter: Republican Town Council Candidates Are ‘Excellent’

  1. Am honored to receive your endorsement, Dave. We have a strong Republican slate, all committed to protecting New Canaan values. And let me thank you again for your steadfast leadership and commitment to the Charter Revision Commission — our government is healthier and stronger with the changes. It was a pleasure working with you.

  2. Thanks, Dave. I’ve worked with some pretty impressive people (yourself included) through the years, but my fellow candidates Penny, John, and Rich all rank with the best I’ve seen.

  3. Thank you Dave. Just getting around to seeing this a few days late. No fake news here. I’m very happy to be running with such a strong team and much appreciate your saying so.

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