Letter: Outback Teen Center Funding ‘Outrage’; $10,000 Needed Now To Keep It Running

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[Note: See this letter published June 11 from the Outback Board of Directors, saying the teen center will close July 1 for lack of funding, with the building reverting to the town.]

Do you want to save the Outback Center—New Canaan’s only teen center? This is your chance to make a difference. We are looking for your help to re-launch this essential community facility.

If you have skills in fundraising, event management, finance, PR or just want to get involved we would love to hear from you. You can make a difference!

The Outback cannot exist without the support of the community and the outrage is that the Town of New Canaan is not funding this facility at all!

Funding is desperately required: $10,000 dollars is needed immediately to keep this facility running throughout the summer ready to re-launch in the Fall with a new and exciting program. Be part of the ‘New’ Outback Center and make a difference to our young people.

Together we can!

We have a meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, June 15, location—The Outback Center. If you can attend / if unable to attend but are interested in helping out please email carriechrister@gmail.com.

—Carrie Christer, parent volunteer, Outback Teen Center

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