Letter: Kevin Moynihan for First Selectman

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I would urge all New Canaan residents to vote for Kevin Moynihan for first selectman.

I have known Kevin well for over 30 years. Not only is he very passionate about the issues that affect New Canaan, he always devotes the time and effort to thoroughly understand all aspects of an issue before taking a position. Driving to Hyannis a few years ago, we stopped twice so Kevin could check out the impact of cell towers he noticed along the way.

As a builder and resident I am particularly concerned about our lack of natural gas. In several recent projects we used propane because it is cleaner and was, at the time, comparable in cost to oil. That decision would have been so much easier, and better, if natural gas had been available. The construction costs would have been lower and, more important, the residents would now be enjoying significant energy cost savings.

It makes no sense to spend money to convert town buildings to propane. Use that money, and effort, to bring natural gas to New Canaan, as Kevin has recommended. Negotiations may be difficult but other towns have succeeded; Wilton has gas and Darien is in the process. If New Canaan remains the only area town without natural gas, property values will be adversely affected.

It’s time for change. Kevin Moynihan will get the job done.

Jim Goebel, New Canaan

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