Letter: Kenin Will Bring School Parents’ Perspective To Town Council

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I met Christa Kenin while she was working with the Library on their annual fundraiser. I was so impressed by her energy and fresh ideas, her professional background as a corporate attorney, her leadership role with the Newcomer’s Club and her genuine interest in getting involved in town government.

The Town Council is made up of 12 people and should collectively represent the taxpayers and residents of New Canaan. Currently, we do not have anyone with children at the elementary level on the Council. Christa brings a unique perspective to the Town Council not only because she has two young children but because she is actively engaged with our town resources—our parks, Waveny pool and the library. She has continual hands on experience with these resources and can personally attest to their importance, condition and potential ­need for maintenance.

She is also a motivator and natural born leader. Her leadership as president of the Newcomers Club has re-energized that organization and she seeks to do the same with local politics here in New Canaan.

We need Christa on the Town Council and she needs our vote.

Tucker Murphy

New Canaan

[Editor’s Note: NewCanaanite.com will accept letters of endorsement for the Nov. 3 elections through Oct. 19. Writers should include a street address and daytime phone number when submitting.]

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