Letter in Favor of Keeping 1913 Library Building 

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I am an ardent supporter of the library and its expansion effort. I am equally supportive of the preservation of our historic 1913 library building. But those objectives pale in comparison to the fiscal challenges New Canaan and America face by the pandemic that surrounds us. At this juncture I urge the town in the strongest terms to postpone any further funding consideration for the New Canaan Library development. Indeed please allow the consequences of this national emergency to settle before making any further additional fiscal commitments.

May I also suggest that this fiscal pause be extended for a full year specifically with regard to the library funding that is aimed at the destruction of our stately old library landmark. Please allow those of us dedicated to saving the 1913 building to develop a plan and funding to allow it to survive and prosper as a monument to this town’s history and literary heritage. Fiscal prudence and historic patience combine to argue for the tabling of impending town funding for the this library expansion project until an alternative approach has had time to coalesce.

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