Letter: ‘Growing Number’ of Republicans Support Devereaux and Fryer

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As has been written recently, the races for town office should be focused on electing the best candidates.

For first selectman and treasurer, the best candidates are Kit Devereaux and Rob Fryer respectively, who happen to be Democrats.

A growing number of Republicans have come to that conclusion as well.

Kit has been an active leader in nearly all facets of our town, and has served with distinction, grace, wisdom and a spirit of collaboration. Unlike her opponent’s divisive actions (remember his commuting flyer in which he called us “suits” vs. “townies,” and as a sitting Town Council member going around the Town Council leadership team to force an agenda item), Kit has always been a model of decorum, fairness and cooperation across all political parties and around town. Kit is the leader this town needs.

This year we also have the opportunity to elect a new treasurer. Rob Fryer has the best combination of experience as a CPA with Deloitte (focusing extensively on internal controls) and as a board member on corporate and nonprofit boards. We desperately need this sort of mature, experienced leadership in our treasurer role.

As the current chairman of the Board of Finance, I can assure you that the next two budgets will be very difficult and stressful. This lifelong Republican will be voting for the strong, yet collaborative leadership of Kit and Rob. I encourage all Republicans to consider these two Democrats for these races.

John Sheffield

Chairman, Board of Finance (Republican)

4 thoughts on “Letter: ‘Growing Number’ of Republicans Support Devereaux and Fryer

  1. John let’s get the facts straight. There was a need to stand against purposeful Town Council blockage of an agenda item. I trust you were aware of the dysfunction going on at the time in the Town Council due to non public executive session caucuses held by both parties to deal with an urgent matter of bullying of female members. Kevin Moynihan had the gravitas to exit from this turmoil and get things done for the community.
    It would also be helpful to explain your block of the Town Council recommendation to increase the Treasurer stipend to be in line with other towns. Did not this result from a behind the closed door meeting you had with the outgoing First Selectman, and two Tc members? A non posted meeting.
    Are you stating that Andrew Brooks has not exhibited “mature experienced leadership in the treasure role”? Looking at his record of saving the town a couple of million dollars and going against push back from the executive branch and you to assure best practices in internal controls were implemented I smell some sour grapes here.
    It is concerning that a public official would voice public opinions without stating all the facts and their own conflicts of interest.
    More importantly we’re not you on the BOF during the last 5 years during which our mill rate and taxes have increased 20%?
    About mature experienced leadership – Did not the NCHS field partnership debacle get approved under your watch as BOF chair?

    Roy A Abramowitz CPA
    PCAOB firm member
    Quality reviewed AICPA National Peer Review Committee

  2. Oh, Roy, on cue…
    I am surprised, Roy, no “segregation of duties”? You hit all the rest in your post though.
    “Gravitas”, or as you’ve used before “gravi das” (sic) – Check
    Non-posted, closed door meeting – Check
    Collusion – Check
    “Internal controls” – Check
    “Sour grapes” – Check
    “Conflicts of interest” – Check
    “Debacle” – Check
    Mill rate / taxes increased – Check

    All in one post. Impressive…

  3. I first met John Sheffield at the lakeview ave bridge meetings
    He is without a doubt the best thing that has happen to local government — but even John can be clouded by local infighting
    so hopefully when the election is over we are all one happy family

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