Letter: Grace Farms a ‘Vital Partner’ to Interfaith Council

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Dear Mike,

I write as the Executive Director of the Interfaith Council of Southwestern Connecticut to heartily endorse the work of Grace Farms. As an organization passionately interested in the promotion of understanding among religious traditions and the strengthening of individuals, communities, and the world through dialogue, self-discovery, and awareness, Grace Farms has been a vital partner in our efforts. Its staff, programming, and facilities create numerous opportunities throughout the year for people to grow in their spiritual self-understanding, to engage respectfully and meaningfully with others across differences, and to find ways to give back and improve the world around them. Grace Farms’ staff and setting are a unique safe space physically in our community and symbolically beyond.

A signature collaboration between the Interfaith Council and Grace Farms is the Interfaith Seder, where people of Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and other faiths come together to discuss freedom and liberation extant within their respective traditions, central to the Jewish Passover. Hundreds of individuals across all faiths and demographics have been inspired and moved by this program, and we look forward to continuing to provide these opportunities for people by collaborating with Grace Farms.

In a short time, Grace Farms has become an important partner in the critical work of interfaith dialogue, understanding, and collaboration. We could not perform our work without its credibility and support. Please join us in celebrating and recognizing the unique importance of Grace Farms to the New Canaan community, the wider Fairfield County region, and the larger world.


Mark Lingle

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