Letter: Campbell Thanks New Canaan for Town Council Re-Election

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Dear Editor,

I am very pleased to have been re-elected to the Town Council and I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank all of you who supported my campaign.

While I received 2,100 votes, I feel I represent more than that —all 17,000 residents of the Town. As I said during my campaign, I subscribe to basic Republican principles, but I have no way of knowing what issues will come before us. I commit to listening to all sides of a debate, then making a judgment as to what represents the best interests of the people of New Canaan. That fact that you asked me to represent you again is testament to me that you agree with this manner of analyzing issues.

This year’s election was a little different in that there were two petitioning candidates that were not endorsed by any party. Nevertheless, they were candidates, they did campaign and they represented an option for the voters. I am thankful that the message of my party-endorsed group prevailed and grateful that the electorate understood the differences those messages represented and voted accordingly.

Again, that you for your support and I look forward to representing you for the next four years.


Kenneth Campbell

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