Letter: BOF Should Support Saxe Project

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Three-quarters of the Town Council is in favor of the Saxe Building Project as proposed. It’s up to the Board of Finance now to vote. Funding approval must be completed by end of November in order for construction to begin on time.

There has been much stalling and hemming and hawing that not enough time or due diligence has been done to make sure this project is the right one for our town. Most of our town officials have accepted that the auditorium and music rooms must be done now, but they are not in agreement that the 12 extra classrooms (net extra cost of $6.2 million) must be done as well.

We shouldn’t be asking can the town afford the $6.2 million, but can the town afford not to do it. If you accept the fact that the overcrowding needs to be addressed and classrooms updated to accommodate 21st century learning (think STEM, foreign language and computer literacy), there are many downsides to delay: construction costs escalate 4 to 5 percent each year and bond financing rates are favorable—locking material and financing costs now will save taxpayers money in the long run; the visual and performing arts (VPA) renovation would be delayed (VPA areas can only be upgraded if the art rooms are moved to the addition); overcrowding would likely be worse during uncertain economic conditions as children in the private schools migrate back to public schools; and most importantly—undersized classrooms will continue to put stress on classroom instruction.

The difference in the annual tax burden between the auditorium and full expansion is less than $100 annually to the average taxpayer. We can afford this project if we re-prioritize other capital projects. Delaying the classrooms sends the dangerous message that our public schools are not a priority. It’s time to think ahead and make the necessary sacrifices. Board of Finance: Do not delay. Give us the ability to do it once, do it right and protect this town’s greatest asset.

Janet Leung Fonss

New Canaan

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