Letter: Addressing Alcohol, Drug Abuse in New Canaan; Downtown Vigil Planned for Aug. 31

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Dear Editor,

Drug overdose deaths in 2016 exceeded 59,000, the largest annual jump ever recorded in the United States, according to the New York Times.

On Aug. 31, all over the world, it will be “Overdose Awareness Day.” In New Canaan there will be a community overdose awareness vigil in the Pop-Up Park on South Avenue and Elm Street, beginning at 7 p.m.

A candlelight vigil will honor the local young people who lost their lives in the several years from a drug overdose.

There is hope in recovery. “The Elephant in the Living Room” does exist and we want to talk about it. “Helping Each Other to Heal” is our New Canaan tagline.

Forty-three years ago I started attending Al-Anon because my wife was becoming addicted to alcohol and I did not know what to do about it.

The 12-Step program was a totally new way of addressing the problem. Exactly one year later because of step four, which requires a searching and fearless moral inventory, I made the admission that I too was an alcoholic. I have been in recovery without a drink since Feb. 13, 1975.

My wife was not so fortunate. After seven rehabs of 28 days each, she died of alcoholism. My granddaughter at the age of 25 ended her life in suicide.

These events have given me my goal in life: to help any human being who wants help in recovery. Today, prescription drugs are used and in many cases overused and overprescribed. This can and does lead to addiction to opiates, which can lead to using heroin which is often laced with other dangerous and lethal drugs such as Fentanyl.

So let’s talk about “The Elephant in the Living Room” so that tragic overdose deaths can be reduced. At a minimum, we can make people aware that the problem is real and what can be done to help. Please join me and others on August 31st at 7 p.m. in New Canaan’s Pop-up Park, to help us all heal from alcohol and drug addition.

Thank you in advance for your support,

Lance Minor

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