‘It All Starts With Play’ — New Canaan Brothers Start Tech Repair Business

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For several years,  brothers Griffin and Ethan Hall had been repairing phones and computers for family and friends as a profitable hobby until this past July, when they decided to turn that hobby into a full-blown business.

The duo set up a stand at the annual Sidewalk Sale on Elm Street, and New Canaan Tech Solutions was born.

“We’re trying to create the easiest possible way for somebody to get their phone or computer repaired,” said Griffin, the older brother, who recently completed his first year at Middlebury College.

Go on their website, book a free consultation, and they’ll come to you. “If you have any idea what part you need, you can tell us and we’ll order it beforehand,” he said.

“When we pick up your device, we can usually bring it back the same day. Whereas [Ethan] is tech, I’m more of a liberal arts type of person. I have a variety of experience, so we make a good team”

From an early age, Ethan, a rising senior at New Canaan High School who is responsible for the technical side of the business, was curious about technology.

“I was eight when I started building computers,” he said, “It all starts with play. There are all of these technology enrichment programs, but I never did that. I know what I know from taking things apart.”

Ethan (left) and Griffin (right) Hall at the Sidewalk Sale

“It started with just taking computers apart, like any kid would,” Griffin added with a laugh. “Any mechanical thing, we would break it. It took more skill and ability to be able to put things back together. We got to phones because I broke my phone. Ethan said he could fix it, and thus was born the idea of fixing things for other people.”

New Canaan Tech Solutions offers two primary services; custom computer builds and computer and phone repairs. “We try to get people the best possible performance for their dollar that they could get,” Griffin said.

“If you go to Costco, or you go to Walmart, you’re not going to get a computer that’s the caliber you need to play a game with multiple monitors, or that’s 4K,” he said. “The most value you will get is from a custom build.”

Indeed, this is something Ethan learned firsthand. As he learned how to build computers, he developed an interest in gaming. “That’s what made me want to build the best computer that I could,” he said.

“It was very informal up until this July, when we decided we wanted to make a real business out of it,” Griffin said, “We took two weeks to build the website and get some businesses cards printed.”

At the Sidewalk Sale, the brothers showed off a virtual reality system they’d built. As New Canaan resident Bettina Hegel said: “It was seriously awesome. Everyone who tried it was so impressed.”

For more information on New Canaan Tech Solutions, visit their website.

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