Above is an interactive map of coyote sightings in New Canaan in 2016 that we will keep updated throughout the year (to report a coyote sighting, phone Animal Control at 203-594-3510). Each orange pin marks a sighting of one coyote unless otherwise noted—click on them for more information.
New Canaan is in the midst of coyote breeding season (January to March), and the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section is fielding reports every week about new sightings in town.

A coyote moves through a yard off of Ponus Ridge on the morning of Feb. 5, 2016. Published with permission from its owner
Officer Allyson Halm encourages New Canaanites to learn how to live together with the animals, such as by protecting pets and property (see the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s coyote fact sheet here).
“We are the ones with the education and the brains,” Halm said. “We should be able to outthink and outsmart and protect ourselves against a wild animal that’s going to be here no matter what.”
Thank you, Officer Halm, for your reminders to use our brains–and our hearts. Live and let live!
159 weed street shows one sighting. It’s closer to 8 separate sightings. We think there maybe a pack living in the woods
Thanks Maura. We have one sighting of four coyotes so far in 2016. Do you have more sightings in this calendar year? If so, send me the dates and number of coyotes sighted to Animal Control and I will get them from there. -Mike
Yes. We heard a pack howling at night near lower Weed last month. Absolutely more than 1.