‘I Have a Big SUV’: Parking Ticket Appeals

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On Main Street. Credit: Michael Dinan

These are excerpts from recent appeal letters that motorists filed with the New Canaan Parking Bureau after receiving tickets.


“I had the flu and had to go into the Starbucks to use their restroom. I’ve been having some stomach problems and did not want to vomit on the street in front of people.”

—$30 for loading zone on Elm Street, at 8:28 a.m. on March 20 (New Canaan resident)

This driver said he thought he parked on a snowbank not the sidewalk.


“I believe that I was not parking on the sidewalk, but rather on a snowbank. It was Ash Wednesday, and I was going to Church and the parking lot at St. Aloysius Church was filled on the holy day.”

—$50 for parking on sidewalk on Cherry Street, at 12:42 p.m. on March 6 (South Salem, N.Y. resident)


“The ‘gentleman’ before me in line got frustrated and punched the machine mid-transaction. The machine did not reset before the train arrived. I was meeting my former rabbi at Grand Central to visit a dear friend dying at Sloan Kettering, so I could not wait for the next train. Here is the full date rate.”

—$30 for unpaid space at Talmadge Hill Lot, at 10 a.m. on April 10 (South Salem, N.Y. resident)

On Elm Street. Credit: Michael Dinan


“Our dog chewed the Wageworks credit/debit card through which we pay for parking. I showed the end to Ms. Stacy Miltenberg also. We know that we owe parking amount and would gladly pay it. Please waive penalty. I meant to pay for parking amp on 3/25/10 and tried to pay through my phone and it didn’t work at that time and later I forgot about it.”

—$30 for unpaid space at Talmadge Hill Lot, at 10:10 a.m. on March 25 (Wilton resident)


“Hopeful you will excuse this ticket. I had hazards on while I ran into CD Interiors to grab 3 wood samples for my client. I was on a field assignment + working quickly. Most everyday I walk to work to avoid tickets. I own + operate [an Elm Street business]—local business.”

—$30 for no parking one on Elm Street, at 4:10 p.m. on April 9 (New Canaan resident)


“I was in town for a business meeting and I was there for 2 hrs. I hope you can excuse me for this fine.”

—$25 for overtime parking on Elm Street, at 3:33 p.m. on March 1 (Old Saybrook resident)


“Drove away from town on Locust looking for a parking spot. Saw signage on my right and two cars parked beyond the sign. Looked for a second sign showing the end of the designated parking. Saw none. Figured the entrance into the parking lot to my right was the end of the designated parking. Parked in front of car #2. When I returned I had a ticket. Could not understand why. Pulled out. Car #3 took the space I had occupied. Drove around the block to spec out the problem. On return saw there was a second sign, which had been blocked by car #2. The blocked signage indicated the end of the parking area. I am not a scoff-law. Had I known there was n o parking I would have drive a few feet more, turned onto Cross Street and parked there where I often park to have my hair cut.”

—$30 for no parking zone on Locust Avenue, at 12:57 p.m. on March 19 (New Canaan resident)


“Was in store for probably 13 mins max, walked out + ticket woman putting ticket on my car.”

—$25 for overtime parking in Morse Court, at 12:55 p.m. on March 18 (New Canaan resident)


“Spots not marked. Not clear what is a handicap spot. Not clearly marked or invoiced.”

—$150 for handicapped zone, at 9:10 a.m. on March 19 (New Canaan resident)

The Playhouse Lot parker.


“I have never gotten a ticket for this infraction before and did not realize I was taking up two spaces. I have a big SUV and always check that my driver’s side is within the lines, which it was yesterday, but now I know to check both sides of my car. I promise I will not let this happen again, and I thank you and the Parking Commission for your consideration in this appeal.”

—$30 for obstructing two spaces in the Playhouse Lot, at 1:03 p.m. on April 2 (New Canaan resident)


“I am in town for loading & unloading store stock. I parked in first spot I saw closest to my store to unload my car. Didn’t know I had to pay for a quick drop off. It was only 6 minutes that I was out then received the ticket. I am not from New Canaan. Sorry!”

—$25 for unpaid space in Park Street Lot, at 10:18 a.m. on April 4 (Bridgeport resident)


“My time was up at 3:43 + ticket was given at 3:46 … 3 MINUTES LATE! I park in this 6 hour lot every day because I work in town. I got to my car at 3:48 due to trying to get out of the store. It would be great if could be a 7 hr. lot (Playhouse Lot).”

—$25 for unpaid space in Playhouse Lot, at 3:46 p.m. on Feb. 27 (Stamford resident)


“We live at [number] Main Street and I had pulled our car up so that my wife could take it after loading our daughter up in the rain. The spot was right in front of our apartment and we left to take our daughter to daycare less than 10 mins after the ticket was issued.”

—$30 for loading zone on Main Street, at 8:33 a.m. on March 22 (New Canaan resident)


“I was never parked in the violation zone. I was standing there, with my car turned on, waiting in the car. I am an Uber drier, and I was waiting for my passenger to come out of Chase bank. The parking attendant pulled up behind me and did not see me in the car when she wrote the ticket. When she pulled up to the window, after writing the ticket, she stated that she did not see me sitting in the driver’s seat, but she had already written the ticket. She stated that I should appeal. I should not be held liable for this ticket since no violation occurred. The parking attendant admitted carelessness by not looking in the car to see that I was inside, nor did she look closely enough to observe that the car was on while she was writing the ticket.”

—$30 for no parking zone on Main Street, at 12:48 p.m. on March 18 (Armonk, N.Y. resident)


“I was right at/over the line, there must have (may?) been a car next to me and I was conscious of the space between the cars. I did not know to be so careful on the lines + now I will be.”

—$30 for obstructing two spaces at Morse Court, at 11:53 a.m. on March 28 (Darien resident)


“I was driving with my father, who is 75 years old and recovering from a stroke with limited ability to walk. We were ticketed for parking in a handicap spot but truly needed the access. Our handicap parking permit from the state is pending. Would it be possible to grant a dismissal of this first time offense given my father’s condition and proof of our handicap permit once it is processed?”

—$150 for handicapped zone on Elm Street, at 8:56 a.m. on April 4 (Wilton resident)


“I was parked on Main St. The sign stated 2 hr parking. Thee was no sign in front of the spot I parked in that stated loading zone. I have never appealed a ticket and not not sure of the process.”

—$30 for loading zone on Main Street, at 10:02 a.m. on March 21 (New Canaan resident)


“I parked in 2 hr. zone and am confident I was back @ car < 2 hrs. Don’t have any other tickets.”

—$25 for overtime parking on South Avenue, at 11:19 a.m. on March 20 (New Canaan resident)


“I am a New Canaan resident who works on Elm Street. I start work a 7:00 AM and move my car off Elm around 9 AM to a lot. On Tues, 4/9, I was unable to move my car due to a migraine. After taking migraine medication I went to move car and found two (2) tickets. I am requesting an appeal due to an inability to move car this day. PLEASE!”

—$25 for overtime parking on Elm Street, at 11:11 a.m. on April 9 (New Canaan resident)


“I am appealing this ticket because I am upset that it was just 4 minutes past the 15 min allotted time. I feel like the parking officer was waiting to ticket cars. I ran into MacKenzies to buy posterboard and Easter candy. I had lovely conversation with the shopkeeper and returned to my car. It was not a weekend, lunchtime or other busy hour downtown. Nobody was circling for spots. I have never received a ticket before and use the meters if I am staying downtown for lunch etc. This 4 minute violation does not encourage me to shop local. This is an hour of work for me. I am a preschool teacher.”

—$25 for overtime parking in Morse Court, at 10:54 a.m. on March 19 (New Canaan resident)


“I received a ticket last week in front of Makinsi. I went around the block 3 times before parking. Where as a matter of fact there is a green/white sign with 2 arrows parking on both sides of sign. Since there was a delivery truck parked there before me it seemed to be a legitment parking spot.”

—$30 for no parking zone on South Avenue, at 11:13 a.m. on March 1 (Norwalk resident)


“Fairly new driver parked in space and had no idea as to the specific time she was not allowed to park in this space.”

—$30 for loading zone, at 8:35 a.m. on March 27 (New Canaan resident)

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