‘He Was Crying In Pain And I Stayed With Him’: Parking Ticket Appeals

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What follows are excerpts from parking ticket appeals letters filed recently with the New Canaan Parking Bureau. Where available, we’ve included information on the violation for which these people were cited, in what amount, and where and when the violation occurred.

Regular readers of the "Parking Ticket Appeals" feature will recall that parking like this, nosed toward the oncoming traffic lane, constitutes parking the wrong way. SE photo

Regular readers of the “Parking Ticket Appeals” feature will recall that parking like this, in the oncoming traffic lane, constitutes parking the wrong way. SE photo


“Sirs, I remit my $60 fine. However, you are totally out of order. A lot of us in this community are over 55 and occasionally make mistakes. I paid the $5 on time and this was the consideration for renting a space for the day. It is therefore outrageous that you are fining me. This is illegal and discriminates against older citizens. Should this happen again I will have no hesitation in taking you to court to stop this outrage.”

—$60 for unpaid space at Railroad Lot at 11 a.m. on Dec. 14, paid more than 14 days after issuance of ticket


“I would like to appeal the ticket I just received on Elm Street. I was parked from about 3:04-3:30 in front of Le Pain Quotidien. Previously in the day I left a spot up by Sole but over an hour had passed since I went home to see my son off the bus and make him a snack etc. This also happened to me around the holidays and I didn’t take the time to appeal because it was a busy time.”

—$20 for unpaid space on Elm Street on Feb. 10


“When I received this parking ticket my car’s hazard lights were on because I had just picked up my son from West School and rushed him to his doctor [on Park Street]. The doctor was waiting for him and he had a fever which we thought was from a gum infection in his mouth due to an abscessed tooth he had pulled out a few weeks earlier. The spots were full so I pulled behind the cars was planning to move it once I got my son into see [the doctor]. I was a bit delayed because he was crying in pain and I stayed with him. Could you please excuse this ticket?”

—$30 for parking in a no parking zone on Park Street, at 11:18 a.m. on Jan. 27


“Live across in apartments and only have one parking permit. There[fore], my roommate and I alternate parking in Mead Park.”

—$20 for overtime parking in Mead Park, at 1:48 p.m. on Feb. 2


“Parked at Mobil lot, walked to pay for spot. As I’m walking I see my car being issued a ticket. This all took place in less than 5 minutes. I ended up returning to car and came to parking authority office to appeal ticket immediately. Bottom line I received ticket without having enough time to pay for parking and that is why I’m appealing.”

—$20 for unpaid space at Morse Court at 10:57 a.m. on Feb. 12

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