PHOTOS: Downtown New Canaan in the 1960s

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Downtown New Canaan in the 1960s
Downtown New Canaan in the 1960s
Main St. - Hilbert Bros., Thornton Fuller Department Store, New Canaan Savings Bank. February 26, 1961. Robert Corry photo, courtesy of the New Canaan Historical Society
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In last week’s photo gallery of “old” downtown New Canaan we featured several photos from the 1950s—part of our first of four installments of the 2015 New Canaan Downtown & Holiday Guide (sign up here to get the Guide emailed to you each Saturday, along with our regular daily newsletter).

This week, in the gallery above, we’re featuring photos from different parts of downtown New Canaan from the ’60s. Enjoy!

6 thoughts on “PHOTOS: Downtown New Canaan in the 1960s

  1. I think #5, of the book shop, must be late 1960’s, not early 1960′. The Chevy wagon looks much like the 1967 Chevy my parents owned.

  2. I remember working at the Camera Corner when I was 16. I also worked at Ann Taylor’s. When I left that store I actually owed them money. I never brought home a paycheck but had lots of nice clothes!

  3. The photos bring back wonderful memories of growing up in New Canaan! Love Windt’s Pharmacy and the Cherry Cokes at the Fountain Counter.

  4. Oh my. How I miss this town. I remember my Dad working at Pierre’s & always running up and down ELM St going from The toy store & the penny candy store. My mom was a devoted regular at the Beauty Shop & my sister loved going into Brezlowes ( not sure I spelled that correct) and look upstairs for the latest 45’s to play on our home entertainment center. Fun times indeed.

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