Frogtown Road Woman a Victim of ID Theft

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The Summer Internship Program is sponsored by Baskin-Robbins, Connecticut Sandwich Co., Joe’s Pizza and Mackenzie’s.

At about 3:25 p.m. on July 27 at  a 38-year-old woman on Frogtown Road told police that she’d been the victim of identity theft. According to according to Sgt. Carol Ogrinc, NCPD’s public information officer, the woman received several pieces of mail on the same day from different retail stores showing that someone had opened up, or attempted to open up, lines of credit at the stores in her name and using her personal information.

Police reports showed that credit had been opened in the following stores: $3,000 from Lowe’s, $5,936.74 from hhgregg (Gregg Appliances), $5,445 from Helzberg Diamonds, and $0 from Littman Jewelers, which rejected a request for a credit increase.

In total, $14,381.74 worth of credit was opened in this woman’s name and police are investigating.


A 19 year-old Silvermine Road woman at around 3:30 p.m. on July 21 called the New Canaan Police Department saying she’d been scammed from an advertisement on the New York section of Craigslist. The woman said she was responding to an advertisement for a job that involved buying gifts for kids without homes.

After contacting the person offering the job, the woman told officials, she received two phone calls from two separate phone numbers, according to Ogrinc. The resident was then sent a check for $1,995 and told to buy re-loadable MoneyPak debit cards from department stores.

According to the police report, after the woman texted the solicitors the serial numbers from the cards she had recently purchased, she went to cash the check at an ATM to find that the check was fraudulent.


At about 10:15 a.m. on July 21 a couple from Santa Monica, Calif., both 26 years old, reported a stolen pocket book from the woman’s purse. The larceny occurred in the parking lot on the south side of the Carriage Barn near the flower garden. A police report said that the pair arrived at Waveny around 9:45 a.m. to walk around and take pictures when the woman put her purse down near the curb.

According to Ogrinc, the woman said she’d only left her pocket book unattended for about 5 minutes and that when she returned to the spot, it was missing. Inside of the pocket book was $200 to $300 in cash, as well as an American Express gift card valued at $100 and a major credit card.

Given the time the pocket book was left unattended, Ogrinc said the larceny as may have been a “crime of opportunity” rather than a planned theft.


A 60 year-old Norwalk construction company owner at 10:41 a.m. on Tuesday, July 22 told police that, some time over the prior weekend, supplies had been stolen from a property under construction on Colonial Court. According to a police report, the items stolen were taken sometime between Saturday July 19 at 1 p.m. and Monday July 21 at 7 a.m.

The following items have been reported missing: two 28-foot extension ladders valued at $300 each and two 16-foot scaffolding planks valued at $70 each, according to Ogrinc.

The complainant noted that this was not the first time that he had materials stolen from the site, saying there had been previous larcenies there, mainly occurring over weekends.


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