Failure To Remove Snow from Car Leads To Traffic Stop, DUI Charge

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Police arrested a 23-year-old Norwalk man for drunk driving after midnight Sunday after he failed field sobriety tests during a motor vehicle stop.

At about 12:43 a.m. on Jan. 24, an officer on patrol on Cherry Street saw a car on the road with a large amount of snow on top of it, obstructing the view through the rear window, according to a police report.

After stopping the car for failing to remove accumulated snow, an infraction offense, the officer detected the odor of alcohol on him, the report said.

He underwent a Breathalyzer test and it returned a blood-alcohol level of .196, the report said—more than twice the legal limit.

Police charged the man with driving under the influence and cited him for failure to remove accumulated snow or ice from a noncommercial vehicle.

He was released on $250 bond and scheduled to appear Feb. 9 in state Superior Court in Norwalk.

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