Elm Street, Book Store, Betty Bragin, Windt Pharmacy during street sale. Early 1960's, Syd Greenberg photo. Courtesy of the New Canaan Historical Society

Main Street - Hilbert Bros., Thornton Fuller Department Store, New Canaan Savings Bank. February 26, 1961. Robert Corry photo, courtesy of the New Canaan Historical Society
Main Street, Forest Street and East Avenue. August 28, 1960. Robert Corry photo, courtesy of the New Canaan Historical Society
S. B. Hoyt, New Canaan Greenhouse, before the Cherry Street extension. February 26, 1961. Robert Corry photo, courtesy of the New Canaan Historical Society
South Avenue at Cherry Street, November 6, 1960. Robert Corry photo, courtesy of the New Canaan Historical Society
Main Street looking at an empty Camera Corner. November 28, 1965. Photo courtesy of the New Canaan Historical Society
Concrete being set in front of Ann Taylor on Elm St. July 23, 1964. Photo courtesy of the New Canaan Historical Society

Main Street looking south from Town Hall driveway. 1968, Lew Bowman photo. Courtesy of the New Canaan Historical Society
For Tuesday’s newsletter, we featured a gallery of eight photos of downtown New Canaan from the 1970s and it ended up as the single most-read item in it. So, today, we’re trying again—this time with eight photos of downtown New Canaan from the 1960s. The photos themselves are from the New Canaan Historical Society.
Windts had a soda fountain with perhaps eight seats where you could order ice cream sodas. It was the only one in town.
It was also the spot where I purchased an enormous bottle of “perfume” for my mother as a Christmas gift for $2.69. When I gave it to her she smiled and said “Why thank you”.
Great memories Rick! I often wonder how a “retro” soda fountain would do in town. Given all the terrific frozen dessert options we have here in NC, it could be a tough nut to crack. That said–check out the concept of this place in Brooklyn and imagine it filling retail space on Main or Elm: http://www.brooklynfarmacyandsodafountain.com/
I still have the savings account opened at the New Canaan Savings Bank, probably around 1958. It is now a Chase account.
The Town Pharmacy, Frank Matello(sp) had a soda fountain, I believe.