Dogs Bite Humans on Mill Road, Spring Water Lane

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Two little dogs are under home quarantine after biting their owner’s finger badly, police said.

The Cavalier King Charles spaniels, of Mill Road, early in the morning of Sept. 22 (a Thursday) injured their owner while he was giving them treats, according to Officer Allyson Halm of the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section.

The animals began to battle and the owner stuck in his right hand to break up the tussle, and got hurt, she said. The injuries were severe enough that the man went to the hospital, according to Halm.

The dogs are up-to-date on their shots, and are under a home quarantine through Oct. 6, she said.


A 10-year-old spayed female beagle mix finished a two-week home quarantine on Saturday, after biting a boy who had walked onto her owner’s property, police said.

It happened on Spring Water Lane and a call came into the New Canaan Police Department at about 4:47 p.m. on Sept. 17, according to Animal Control.

The boy knew the dog and entered the property when the beagle got him in the right rear upper leg, according to a police report.

Paramedics attended to the boy on scene and a hospital visit was not required, though the wound did break the skin, the report said.

The dog had been behind an invisible fence on her property, according to Halm, who issued a written warning to the animal’s owner.

The animal, up-to-date on her shots and licensed by the town, underwent its state-required, two-week home quarantine through Saturday, Oct. 1.

3 thoughts on “Dogs Bite Humans on Mill Road, Spring Water Lane

  1. The dog bite that occurred on Spring Water Lane did not, in fact, occur on the owner’s property, nor was the dog behind an invisible fence at the time. The dog was at a neighbor’s house, entirely off leash. The dog was known to the boy because it had bitten a member of the family before, though this bite, regrettably, went unreported. He did not approach the dog; the dog aggressively came toward the boy. Beware of this dog.

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