The New Canaan Preservation Alliance on Sunday afternoon presented awards to two individuals and five properties in its eighth annual Awards Ceremony, sponsored by Halstead Property. Speakers included Rose Scott Long, the outgoing president, state Sen. Toni Boucher, NCPA Founder and past President Mimi Findlay and Rachel Carley, an historic consultant hired by the Alliance to continue the inventory of New Canaan’s historic houses. The gallery above spotlights award winners, including for the Media Award—a huge thank-you to the NCPA!

Helene Parker (L) and Kimberly La Du (R) of Manfredi Jewels on Elm Street are welcoming the community with a Grand Opening that runs 12 to 7 p.m. Friday and 12 to 5 p.m. Saturday this week. Credit: Michael Dinan
Manfredi Jewels at 72 Elm St. is holding its Grand Opening party from 12 to 7 p.m. Friday and 12 to 5 p.m. Saturday this week, following an invite-only celebration Thursday of its special collection of Rolex timepieces.
We’re hearing that a Silvermine Road woman last week was issued an infraction summons for allowing a dog to roam after her gray-and-white pit bull mix, 5, got off-property three times within two weeks.

“May the Fourth Be With You”—it was Star Wars Day on Monday. Here’s Connie “Princess Leia” Melvin and Melissa “Queen Amidala” Thorkilsen.
It’s “Children’s Book Week” and Monday also happened to be “Star Wars Day” (motto “May the Fourth Be with You”). At Elm Street Books, customers were greeted by Connie “Princess Leia” Melvin and Melissa “Queen Amidala” Thorkilsen.
New Canaanite Wendy Lowy Sloane, host of “What’s Up With Wendy” radio show on AM1490 WGCH, this week (airing at 11 a.m. Friday) will interview actress Kelly Rutherford of “Gossip Girl” about her years-long battle to be reunited with her children.
We’re hearing that New Canaan’s Kathryn A. Sawabini of New Canaan has been selected for membership in the St. Lawrence University’s Department of Art and Art History honorary society.
An NCHS grad who will graduate from St. Lawrence this summer, Sawabini is majoring in mathematics and art and art history.

Before & after photos of the Oenoke Ridge Road alpacas at Crajah House. Credit: Debbie McQuilkin
The alpacas of Oenoke Ridge Road on Tuesday were shorn. The animals are owned by Kevin and Debbie McQuilkin of Crajah House.
May Fair kicks off at 9 a.m. on Saturday. New this year to one of New Canaan’s most beloved traditions is “Friday Night Lights,” which will run 5 to 9 p.m. Friday and feature rides, midway games, food concessions and live music from the New Canaan School of Rock. An unlimited rides wristband will be sold for $25 for Friday night. Also on Saturday, the New Canaan Police Department will have a command trailer at St. Mark’s from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., where they’ll distribute Smart911 educational materials and help people sign up for the emergency response service.

The Thorpe Benefit Committee welcomed over 200 guests to Waveny House on April 24. Funds will benefit Thorpe Family Residence in the Bronx, which provides supportive and transitional housing for homeless families.
New Canaanites and friends from surrounding communities turned out in big numbers to support the Second Annual Fundraiser and Auction for Thorpe Family Residence. According to Michael Callaghan, executive director of Thorpe, the event raised over $75,000 for the Bronx-based agency that serves homeless families.

Saraswati Yoga Joint on June 30 close its Burtis Avenue location in New Canaan and consolidate its business in South Norwalk. Credit: Michael Dinan
Saraswati’s Yoga Joint on June 30 is to close its Burtis Avenue location and consolidate its business on North Water Street in South Norwalk. Said officials from the studio in an email to clients: “It has always been one of the tenets of SYJ’s philosophy that we never compromise the teaching and that we offer the most creative and thought provoking yoga we can. This was the ground that SYJ was founded on and in my heart and guts, I know that in order to maintain this it is time to bring what we do best into one house, our home in South Norwalk.”

Kids create cars and edible art at Carriage Barn Arts Center
Children at “Kids Create Cars and Edible Art at the Carriage Barn Arts Center!” last Sunday made cars out of a variety of materials, including wood and candy. The workshop was taught by Nancy Scranton and sponsored by Gen Re, the Kiwanis Club of New Canaan, the Newcomers Club and the Rotary Club of New Canaan.
Fall registration is open for New Canaan Youth Field Hockey to rising 5th to 8th graders. For more information, visit

From left to right: Caroline Sloat, President of the Board of Directors at GSOFCT, Morgan Tensen- New Canaan Service Unit, Carol Ploch-Maiolo- Ridgefield Service Unit, Catherine Fedorchek-Newtown Service Unit, Barbara Koteen- Norwalk Service Unit, Kerilynn Lewis-Nipmuc Service Unit, and Mary Barneby, CEO of GSOFCT.
At Girl Scouts of Connecticut’s annual meeting, Morgan Tensen, New Canaan resident, was one of seven volunteers who received the GSUSA Volunteer of Excellence Award. The Volunteer of Excellence Award is a national award recognizing volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering with girls in any pathway to effectively implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

Pictured L to R: Warner Depuy; John Bemis; Bhaskar Abhiraman; Amy Chu; Katie Zabrowska; Reverend Gary Wilburn pictured in framed photo.
The Wilburn Fellowship celebrated it’s fourth year at New Canaan High School with an Awards Ceremony held April 27th in the NCHS Wagner Room. The fellowship honors the life and legacy of the Reverend Gary Wilburn, former senior minister of the First Presbyterian Church of New Canaan who passed away in 2010 after a courageous battle with ALS. Its mission is to foster understanding of humanity’s differences, whether of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion or culture, such as those differences can be respected, embraced and celebrated. For the second year running, the Fellowship Committee recognized two finalists by naming both as 2015 Wilburn Fellows: NCHS junior, John Bemis, for Colors in Jazz, a comprehensive analysis of the role Jazz music has played as a catalyst for diversity across the United States and the world, and Sophomores Bhaskar Abhiraman, Amy Chu and Katie Zab0rowska for Colors Across Cultures, a community art exhibit and fundraiser. Funds raised through the awards stipend and sale of gallery prints were donated to the Edison School, a K-6 elementary school in Bridgeport to help fund their visual art department.
On April 29, a highly successful panel discussion, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, focused on the future direction of the New Canaan Playhouse. As a part of the event, a two-question survey was distributed to the attendees. Not all attendees took the survey, but the results were as follows:
- 35 attendees voted in favor of the Town creating a public/private partnership and pursuing the option of an expanded role in the Arts.
- 12 attendees voted in favor of the Town completing the repairs at its own expense and continuing with the status quo.
- 10 attendees replied that either option would be acceptable.

This is the south elevation of the proposed, expanded pavilion at the New Canaan Field Club, from PH Architects of Newtown.
P&Z last week settled the divisive question of whether the Field Club could perform noise-making work on weekends, by allowing it on Saturday but not Sunday.
The final performances of “Olympus on My Mind” will take place at the Powerhouse Performing Arts Center in Waveny Park, New Canaan, at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. For more information and tickets, visit or call the TPNC Box Office at 203-966-7371.