Arrest Made in Razor Gear Theft at Walgreens; Pot Citation at Mill Pond

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A 26-year-old Benedict Hill Road man was arrested by warrant with sixth-degree larceny for shoplifting $70 in electric shaving gear from Walgreens on Pine Street on Sept. 30.

The accused had taken Norelco electric razor parts into a bathroom, leaving the empty box there and purchasing a pack of cigarettes with a debit card prior to leaving (part of how police found him), according to a police report.

In addition to the name on the card, police had seen the man on surveillance video.


Police cited a 34-year-old Norwalk man last Monday afternoon after finding a marijuana grinder in his work van while following up on a suspicious person call at Mill Pond.

Arriving at the pond around 12:48 p.m. on Nov. 3 on a report of a white work van parked there and emanating a strong odor of marijuana, police spoke to the vehicle’s operator, according to a police report. He said he’d pulled over for his lunch break and had “a cigarette,” the report said.

Searching the car, officers found no marijuana but did find a grinder in the driver’s side door compartment.

The man was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia, an infraction offense.

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