‘A Great Night for All’: Waveny Fireworks Declared Success for Committee, Community

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The head of the volunteer group that organizes the Waveny fireworks estimates that this week’s event saw a modest increase in revenue over last year.

According to Tom Stadler, chairman of the Family Fourth Committee, the picnic and fireworks show brought in about $75,000—up $1,000 from the prior summer.

The funds will cover the cost of the event, he said, and extra money raised from donations, passes and food sales will carry over to next year.

“My intent would be to give us a better fireworks show,” Stadler said.

After a significant revenue drop two years ago, the committee this summer sought to increase donations and purchase of passes by stressing that the Family Fourth is independently funded. Costs include tents, PA system, generators and entertainment, as well as variable costs, such as this year’s new trash cans, Stadler has said.

The committee works with a lot of unknowns during the planning phase each year—for example, more than half of the event passes are sold in the final week — $40,500 total this year, Stadler said.


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This year’s Family Fourth saw the addition of six food trucks and two dessert trucks. The new vendors got off to a slow start, but by 8 p.m. customers had formed lines that lasted for the rest of the night, Stadler said.

Several of the trucks sold out of food, he added.

In anticipation of rain that had been predicted for Monday night, the fireworks started at 9:10 p.m. this year and may have been somewhat out of sync, according to Stadler.  The early start meant the show could wrap up in time for those in attendance to avoid the rain.

Stadler complimented the police and Community Emergency Response Team for their handling of traffic. The parking lot was clear within 45 minutes of the show’s end, he said.

Commending the conductors of the fireworks show, band and food truck vendors for their participation, Stadler said, “It was a great night for all. I looked around and saw everybody smiling.”

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