Owners of Bruno the Bulldog Cited by Police for Roaming, Fined $92 After He’s Found Distressed Again on Hot Day

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About one year after police saved the life of an overheating dog downtown, Animal Control on Aug. 28 issued a $92 infraction to the animal’s owners after it happened again.

According to Officer Allyson Halm, head of the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section, a FedEx driver spotted the bulldog roaming on Locust Avenue at midday during the high heat spell and immediately picked up the dog and brought him to police headquarters.

There, Halm tried to cool down the dog, Bruno, “because he was just really struggling,” she said.

She identified Bruno’s family through his tags and contacted them. 

A similar incident had occurred in July 2017, when Bruno was found on the street by a police officer with significant trouble breathing and was so weak he wouldn’t take water. The police at that time issued a verbal warning to the family for both failure to license and allowing a dog to roam.

This time, police issued a ticket for the infraction-level offense of roaming.

One thought on “Owners of Bruno the Bulldog Cited by Police for Roaming, Fined $92 After He’s Found Distressed Again on Hot Day

  1. Thanks to the wonderful Fed Ex driver, the police and Ms. Halm for their great care of Bruno. Who knows how many time this poor dog is neglected and not rescued from a thoughtless, even cruel, family. Can someone occasionally monitor how he is doing? Third time it happens, Bruno should be permanently “rescued” and a much larger fine levied. He needs a better home.

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