Letter: ‘Thank You’ To Residents, Volunteers, Organizers for Great Family Fourth at Waveny

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On behalf of the Family Fourth Committee, I would like to thank all who supported the 34th Annual New Canaan Family 4th Celebration at Waveny Park by purchasing an entrance pass to attend this Independence Day celebration.

The decision to move to the rain date of July 5th worked out well. We had a beautiful warm day, clear skies and a nice breeze. The fireworks show as spectacular. It was another memorable 4th of July celebration … an outstanding evening of family fun, wonderful music, great food and a fantastic fireworks display. Your support makes this great New Canaan tradition possible.

A big thank you to all of the following: The show could  not have gone on without their energy, hard work and commitment:

A special thanks this year to Bankwell for sponsoring the Face Painters and to Peter Bush of FOX [Radio 95.9 FM] for stepping in at the last minute to cover for Dan Taylor. As usual, the Police and CERT volunteers did a wonderful job handling traffic flow; the park was empty about 30 minutes after the fireworks ended. And I offer special kudos, as always, to our orgnanizer, Steve Benko, for his tireless efforts in creating a quintessential 4th of July celebration.

Please send any comments, thoughts and suggestions for next year to me at Town Hall.

Tom Stadler

Chairman—New Canaan Family Fourth


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