Coyote Kills New Canaan Dog on Smith Ridge Road

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A coyote killed a small dog on Smith Ridge Road following a scuffle Monday night, police said.

Police on Tuesday responded to a report from a man who found the mauled body of a Yorkshire terrier on his property, officials said.

While police investigated, the deceased dog’s owner could be seen searching for the animal and told authorities that she had been searching all night, according to Officer Allyson Halm, head of the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section.

Then on Wednesday, Halm said she received a report that a coyote was seen chasing two Cairn terriers on a Carter Street property. Fortunately, the dogs’ owner in that case stepped out and broke up the chase, she said.

The sightings represent two of eight reported to police since April 26, she said.

“This is the heightened time” for coyote hunting activity, Halm said.

New Canaan is seeing a “serious, serious hot spot” of that activity in the area of Old Norwalk, Marvin Ridge and White Oak Shade Roads, she added.

Halm urged residents with dogs to ensure they’re accompanied at all times by people when outdoors.

“It’s so important that people know it’s a heightened time of year and we have to be on guard,” she said. “Be with your dog.”

According to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, coyote pups are born from April to mid-May, and the animals are “opportunistic” eaters.

“A coyote’s diet consists predominantly of mice, woodchucks, squirrels, rabbits, deer, some fruits, carrion, and when available, garbage. Some coyotes will also prey on small livestock, poultry, and small pets,” the DEEP says. “In Connecticut, unsupervised pets, particularly outdoor cats and small dogs (less than 25 pounds) are vulnerable to coyote attacks.”

A coyote two years ago took a small dog on Michigan Road. Last March and April, coyotes punctured a dog’s throat on Benedict Hill Road and injured two Parade Hill Lane dogs.

One thought on “Coyote Kills New Canaan Dog on Smith Ridge Road

  1. I said this before — as a animal lover that hates to see
    peoples pets killed — it’s time that the town gets ride of these
    predators — we spend money on many things — but to protect our pets nothing — what would it take $20,000 – $40,000 petty cash
    If they don’t want to — lets start our own fund to get ride of them — I will be happy to donate $1,500 — and saying we have to live with them is not true — Try telling that to the person who just lost their little dog who they loved so much

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