Letter: Kit Devereaux ‘Most Experienced and Qualified’ To Be First Selectman

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Dear Editor:

My husband and I are 19-year residents of New Canaan, and have raised three children in this community. I am writing to encourage all citizens to vote in our municipal election this year. We can come together in a bipartisan manner to elect Kit Devereaux as our First Selectman. I endorse Kit because she is the most experienced and qualified to be our Town leader.

Kit has extensive experience serving our Town government, including positions on the Board of Finance, Town Council, and Parks & Recreation. She has led local nonprofits, including the League of Women Voters and the New Canaan Nature Center.

An MBA from NYU and work experience at Salomon Brothers make Kit the most qualified candidate to deal with our town’s budget. Kit advocates “zero-based” budgeting, requiring department heads to build their annual budgets from the ground up rather than putting in increases. This process will increase efficiency and keep costs down.

Kit’s priorities for New Canaan include: maintaining top quality schools, expanding cell coverage town–wide, increasing commuter parking, and supporting our town center. Working on these issues will help keep New Canaan one of the most attractive communities in our area. Kit is the intelligent choice for First Selectman.

In addition to her experience, qualifications, and sense of our town’s important needs, Kit brings a collaborative, kind, and open style to the position, which will enable her to govern effectively. Please join me in voting for Kit for First on Tuesday, November 7.

Sincerely Yours,

Christina Fagerstal

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