Letter: Supporting Penny Young for Town Council

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To the editor:

There’s a reason why the voters have, and should continue to, cast their votes for Penny Young. They have recognized her incredible understanding of our town’s operations, and her ability to identify what’s working, question what’s not, and carry out the Town Council’s responsibilities with a fresh perspective and a close eye on the budget. This extensive knowledge, combined with her willingness to work hard and face the tough issues head on, make her the ideal member of Town Council.

Penny is fiscally responsible and well understands the impact of the town’s financial decisions on all of New Canaan’s citizens, from its young families to its senior citizens. She is committed to convening the approving bodies for timely serious discussions about what and how to provide the services expected by our citizens. Budget time finds Penny strongly advocating for preserving and appropriately maintaining New Canaan’s precious town buildings. The Board of Selectmen recognized that it is time to address this shortcoming and named her co-chair of the Town Building Evaluation and Use Committee earlier this year. The in-depth research this committee will provide will set the stage for timely meaningful financial discussions among governing bodies.

Please exercise your right to vote on Election Day. Let’s return Penny Young to the Town Council where we all will continue to benefit from this committed, independent thinker, and tenacious advocate for healthy, responsible and mutually beneficial governance.


Lisa Platt

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