Letter: On Overdose Awareness Day, Aug 31, Support Those in Recovery — Like Me

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Dear Editor,

I am so grateful that New Canaan is taking part in Overdose Awareness Day & Vigil, at 7 p.m., Aug. 31 in the Pop Up Park on Elm.

I’ve lived in New Canaan all my life, and I’ve experienced the power of kindness and community here. The values of family and charity, the passion for the Rams, and the delight of a Tony’s breakfast. I grew up being just as excited for Christmas Eve caroling on God’s Acre as I was for the awe-inspiring fireworks at Waveny. These were such happy memories with my family, my friends, and my community.

This event on Aug. 31 is significant for me, because I live with the disease of alcoholism. It does not define me, as it does not define the precious lives that we have lost. I have proudly been in recovery since March 1, 2014. I have accepted the healing support of so many individuals, groups, and movements. I am finally able to value my own life. But it takes a village.

The theme of the event is “Helping Each Other to Heal.” This hopeful intention implies that we can all be a part of adding comfort, empathy, and stability to others who may be struggling. On the other hand, if our attitude toward addiction is dismissive or stigmatizing, we will contribute to the collective pain our community is experiencing.

Loss of life is a tragedy, as is suffering through life. Acceptance and awareness can at times be unsettling, but they open up opportunities for change, and most importantly — hope!

We all can help. Each of us has a unique part to play in this healing. I humbly ask the supportive presence of your readers in the Pop Up Park for this meaningful event.

Sending love to all,

Kera Townshend

One thought on “Letter: On Overdose Awareness Day, Aug 31, Support Those in Recovery — Like Me

  1. I am so proud of you Kera . Your amazing strength and personal courage in facing the disease of alcoholism and spreading the word of hope and change has inspired many , along with myself .
    Continued success in whatever you do .
    Love ,
    Aunt Maureen

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