Op-Ed: Abramowitz on ‘Why I Am Running’ for New Canaan Town Council

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I offer my constituents “real reform” and a “real voice.” I have shown that I can identify and outline procedures to implement “best practices” into the Town’s financial, accounting and managerial systems.

My family and I have been town residents for 21 years. My daughter graduated New Canaan High School this past June 20. I believe it is time for the Town Council to have a “practicing attest and forensic CPA” seated. I have been on point for a decade with my financial analysis and suggestions pertaining to Best Practices in accounting methodology, internal control changes and budgetary analysis as relates to town operations. Many of my suggestions have been implemented as “Best Practices.”

As a CPA, forensic auditor and manager I can properly determine real needs vs. unnecessary wants and those which could be deferred. My policy will mandate efficient utilization of town resources and expenditures to face the necessary increases in infrastructure maintenance and repair in the coming economic environment of increasing interest rates on bonded debt and state cutbacks in local funding. I will insist on rigorous financial management and restrict bonding and borrowing to essential capital improvements. My standard will mandate proper budgeting and forecasting to stabilize the town property tax rate. I will fully analyze all requests for budgetary expenditures; study the possibility of streamlining without loss of services and implement economies of scale. I will propose a study to analyze new revenue sources and budgeting methodology.

I do this every day in my professional practice and volunteer work. It is imperative to have a practicing CPA with unmatched budgeting and operational expertise on the Town Council to protect your real estate values.

I am a Certified Public Accountant, individual and firm member of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, with the firm inspected by the PCAOB and Quality Reviewed tri-annually by the AICPA National Peer Review Committee pertaining to my SEC attest practice.

I have experience in teamwork managing professionals in goal-oriented projects while at the Big Four CPA firms, renowned Wall Street firm and my own CPA firm.

I was a pioneer in the establishment of the town’s Audit Committee, and writing procedural and operative guidelines for the committee. I worked closely with the sub-committee that established the Audit Committee.

I have always been there during time of emergency to help my fellow residents through CERT and the Office of Emergency Management for the past 21 years. As recently stated by our first selectman I was instrumental in the early formation of the town’s Office of Emergency Management.

I will openly listen to the voices of all constituents and vote accordingly, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, and putting the interests of the public first. No self-interest and no rubber-stamp. I have proven my expertise and capabilities. I am a lifetime dedicated Republican not a recent convert to the Republican Party. I was treasurer of the New Canaan Republican Town Committee from 2010 to 2012 with my wife currently serving on the NCRTC.

Please give me a chance to properly represent your interests. Vote Roy A Abramowitz for Town Council on July 18, 2017 at the Republican Caucus.

Roy A. Abramowitz CPA

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