New Canaan Woman Faces Felony Charge after Son Is Injured in Fall

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The mother of a 7-year-old boy who fractured his skull after falling off of his scooter last Tuesday evening has been arrested on felony charges for risk of injury to a minor.

The boy fell on Putnam Road near White Oak Shade Road around 6:51 p.m. on June 10, about a half-mile from the family’s home, according to Sgt. Carol Ogrinc of the New Canaan Police Department.

The mother, 42, was home at the time, police said. Her husband was not at home, police said.

The state Department of Children and Families became involved, police said. The investigation revealed that there had been past incidents involving either one or both of the boys where they were unsupervised and at an unsafe distance from the house, police said.

Police charged her with two counts of risk of injury since her 9-year-old son also was out of the house with his younger brother (the older boy had a helmet).

The 7-year-old had been sent to the hospital and he is out now and OK, police said.

He suffered scrapes and bruises, too, Ogrinc said.

Police obtained a warrant for the mother’s arrest and served it on Friday June 13.

The woman was released on $5,000 bond and scheduled to appear June 23 in state Superior Court in Norwalk.

7 thoughts on “New Canaan Woman Faces Felony Charge after Son Is Injured in Fall

  1. Allowing your kids to play outside unattended is a crime? We were always just sent out to play. This seems wrong?

    • Without passing a judgment, I will say that my very strong sense here is that if it were just this isolated incident or if there were not serious underlying considerations for NCPD, then there would have been no arrest.

  2. So two brothers were outside playing 10 blocks from their home in New Canaan. One of the safest places to live. The younger one got hurt for not wearing a helmet and the mother was arrested. Do you know how many kids I see riding bikes without helmets every day? For that matter, parents with their kids out riding and no helmet. This is a crime? Clearly something more is going on here.

    • There is definitely a lot more to the story than has been published. While that additional perspective probably will not be printed unless it gets into a public court record, I comment the police for taking action in this situation.

    • When you know the full story you will have a different opinion. There’s a lot not printed, to say the least.

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