Letter: Sober House on West Road Should Not Be a ‘Fait Accompli’

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My wife and family have been residents of New Canaan (720 West Road) since 1989 and have been very happy to be part of this wonderful family community! However my wife and I are very disturbed, to say the least, by the apparent “approval” of the 909 West Road sober house project.

It appears to many of us that application was “rushed” secretly through the town officials and supposedly approved with no chance for residents like us to voice our opinions. I would even say that this quick action under hush-hush conditions could be considered a “railroad job”!

Our thoughts on this matter follow below:

  • Does the Planning and Zoning Commission actually permit commercial operation in a residential area?
  • This project is clearly a “for profit” operation and lots of profit I am told!
  • What benefit of this operation would there be to the Town of New Canaan? What happens next?
  • There are over 300 houses on the market in New Canaan, many of which could be purchased similarly to the 909 West house and converted to another Sober House. What happens then? Do we want New Canaan to become known as a “rehab” community for recovering alcohol and substance abuse patients?

Property values will undoubtedly become lower and that is really hurtful to everyone!

There is a well known French expression which aptly fits the scenario, a “fait accompli,” which translates as “Something that has already happened or decided before those affected hear about it leaving them with no option but to accept.”

Hopefully this project is not a “fait accompli.” There must be better communication with the residents of New Canaan about The Lighthouse’s intentions for the present time as well as any future plans they may have (if any). We New Canaan residents deserve a lot more information as well as the right to voice our opinions, fears and concerns.

Respectfully submitted,

John A. Goodrich & Valaer Vr. Goodrich

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